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9/11 Ride and Ceremony

By JJohnson | September 8, 2009


9/11 is a day that no one ever forgets and anyone you ask will know exactly where they were at, and what they were doing on that tragic day. Engineer Gary Biggerstaff of the Long Beach Fire Department (LBFD) has conducted a memorial every year since that day, and will keep on doing so.

This is an event that he and his family started on their own and each year, more and more people, and bikers show up. It begins with a bike ride to Cooks Corner, then back to Long Beach, and ends at Gary’s house for a ceremonial display of camaraderie, and compassion for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Over 400 bikes and up to 1000 people have filled his street in the past to show their support . We thank Gary for all of his hard work and dedication.

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