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LBFD monthly Airport training

By JJohnson | September 23, 2008

In the city of Long Beach along with our 22 other fire stations we also have a station at the Long Beach Airport, #16. It is constantly staffed by a crew of 5, with 3 apparatus as well as our Battalion Chief 3 and BLS 16. We are required to attend monthly training to keep up our skills and techniques. This particular drill was split into two mini drills, 1 being a re-watering drill and the other a forcible entry/ cutting drill.

The first is what we call re-watering, which means we have an engine company stand at one of the underground hydrants on the airfield and their purpose is to fill up the Airport “Crash Rigs” similar to a pit stop. The Crash rigs drive up to a coned off area near the incident, hook up to separete hose lines and then fill the 3000 gallon tank. It takes roughly 3-4 minutes to fill and about 1 1/2 to empty the tank.

The second part of the drill was trying out different tools to cut with on a simulated airplane fusalage. We used axes, partner saws, zip-guns, peircing nozzles, sawzalls and it was just to see how each one would work. No one was better, they all worked, but the partner saw was probably the fastest. Also the other photos show one of our piercing nozzles and the type of spray pattern it gives off.

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