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Rescue Youth Graduation Ceremony

By frhayes | September 29, 2008







On Sunday, September 28th, the Long Beach Fire Department (LBFD) participated in the 16th annual “Rescue” recognition ceremony sponsored by the Los Angeles County District Attorneys Office and Los Angeles County Fire Departments at Universal Studios, Hollywood, California. The LBFD has been involved with this program for the last nine years, beginning in 1999 with just 2 students, this number has grown to as much as 15 students per year, with a total of 84 students graduating from the LBFD program.

This program offers young people a positive alternative to some of the negative influences that can interrupt their lives. Many different groups and individuals have come together and volunteered their time and energy to mentor these students including: administrators, faculty, police officers, firefighters, and most importantly the parents. This program has not only impacted the students and their families, but has served to change the lives of the participating firefighters.

For more information on this program and how to get involved please contact Engineer Darren Rocket or Firefighter Wayne Chaney.

The following provides information on the recent graduates and success stories of past graduates over the 2007-2008 time period.

Darryl Martin: has been involved with the Long Beach Search and Rescue Program for 2 years.  He has been a fixture at just about every community event in Long Beach.  Engineer Darren Rockett has mentored Darryl.  Darryl now believes that his last name is Rockett.  Darryl has been involved with our Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) as an assistant to the instructor.  He also volunteers at his church with Engineer Rockett, is involved with the Long Beach CPR Sunday Program, and has assisted in preparing meals for large community groups with the Long Beach Firefighters Union (Local 372).

Joseph Briones: has moved to the next level and has graduated from the Long Beach Search and Rescue Program.  Engineer Sydney Jackson has mentored Joseph.  When Joseph first joined the Rescue Youth Program, he was a marginal student.  However, he did have an interest in the fire service and enjoyed the company of his mentor, Engineer Jackson.  Engineer Jackson immediately began assisting Joseph with his schoolwork.Joseph had no choice………Engineer Jackson was a school teacher before he became a member of the LBFD.  By the end of the year, Joseph was not only a good student with a great attitude; he also won the Spelling Bee at his school.

Mario Consteneda:  is also a member of the Long Beach Search and Rescue Program.  His mother has said that since his involvement with Rescue Youth, her son is a different person.  He has become an inspiration not only to his family but also to the community.  Because of Rescue Youth, Mario has become a great role model to other young people around him.

Juan Avilla:  Juan has graduated from Rescue Youth.  Engineer Darren Rockett mentored him.  In addition, Juan has since graduated from the Long Beach Search and Rescue Program.  Engineer Rockett has played such a big role in Juan’s life, that he is now the Godfather of Juan Avilla.

                                       2007-2008 MENTOR SUCCESS STORIES

Christian Casellanos                                      FF Colin Harris

Successes:  FF Harris states Christian is a high energy kid & was making poor choices in school and at home. Since participating in RESCUE Christian has become more focused in school. He has developed a strong passion for the fire service. He would volunteer at the fire station everyday if he could. He plans to continue making good choices & wants to become a member of our Long Beach Search & Rescue program, and ultimately become a Firefighter for the City of Long Beach.

 Robert Lewis                                          Chris Barton

Successes:  Engineer Chris Barton states Robert came to RESCUE as a very shy & quiet kid that was dealing with a lot of personal issues in the home. Since the program Robert has gained a great deal of confidence in himself. He realizes the importance of a good education & is committed to trying very hard. Robert is very grateful for having Chris Barton for a friend & mentor.

 Kevion Sneed                                FF. Dan Oh / Eng. Marcel Willis                                    11-B

Successes: Kevion had some anger management concerns with his peers. The field trip to the Department of Corrections (Youth Authority) was a humbling experience for Kevion. He is now able to manage his anger much better and realizes how one bad decision can affect him for the rest of his life. He has also developed a deeper appreciation for his mother.


 Juan Escobedo                               FF. Dan Sanchez / FF. Mike Wirtz                               13-A

Successes:  Juan states since participating in the RESCUE program he has a great deal of respect for what firefighters are called to do everyday. He is very appreciative for his mentors taking the time to teach & mentor him.

 Austin Curran                                   Capt. Aaron Miles / FF. Viana                                    1-B

Successes: Austin’s aunt/guardian states the Rescue program has been a tremendous help in many ways to the growth in Austin’s life. He had poor grades when he came into the program (D’s & F’s) and by the end of the school year Austin had brought his G.P.A. up to a 3.3. He also finished the school year as an honor roll student. Austin has gained a great deal of confidence, enjoys his visits to the fire station & doesn’t want the program to end.

 Charles Simpson                                           Eng. Syd Jackson                                   

Successes: Charles aunt/guardian states the RESCUE program has been the greatest thing that could have happened to Charles at this time in his young life. He has had to deal with a number of tragedies in the last few years, with the passing of his father, grandmother & personal issues with his mother. He has a much better outlook on life & is excelling in all areas. He enjoys his fire station visits & has a deep appreciation for his mentor Syd Jackson. Charles will continue to excel in school and plans on attending college with an engineering major.

Jesse Chavez                                               FF. Donald Hopkins

Successes:  Jesse’s mom states since our RESCUE field trip to the Department of Corrections (Youth Authority) he has began to show a great deal of respect & appreciation towards his parents. After the field trip Jesse repeatedly said that will be the last time I will ever see the inside of a jail. He enjoys the time spent at the fire station with his mentors.    

Joseph Jones                                                  FF. Wayne Chaney

Successes: This is Joseph’s second year with our RESCUE program. He is very passionate about the fire service and has wanted to be a firefighter since the age of four. He is looking forward to applying for our Search & Rescue program and fulfilling his dream of becoming a firefighter. His mother stated he would rather be at the fire station than go on a trip to Disneyland. Since the program he is doing better in school than ever before, is more focused and has a higher level of self esteem.

Anthony Salazar                                            FF Chris Duffy                                

Successes:  Anthony’s mother states since the RESCUE program he has been more organized in his approach to his school work and has a higher level of respect for his parents. He thanks FF Duffy for teaching him the importance of being organized.

Abraham Gonzalez                                        FF Andy Chan                                               10-C 

Successes: Abraham stated the most impactful experience he had with the RESCUE program was the visit to the Department of Correction (Youth Authority). He promises to always make good choices so that he will never go back there again.

 Davon Clark                                 FF Doug Eichenlaub / Robbie Grego                              11-C

Successes: Davon states the Department of Correction (Youth Authority) field trip changed his life forever and he will continue to make good choices.  He says all the guys at 11-C were fun and crazy. They taught him the importance of a having good education, to always be honest and gave him the confidence to speak in front of a group of people. He appreciates the time spent with the crew at station 11-C.

Christian Sanchez                                           FF Manny Gomez                                         

Successes:  Christian stated he has had a great time participating in the RESCUE program. He thanks his mentor Manny Gomez for teaching him how to eat healthier (less junk food) and exercise. As a result Christian has lost aprox. 15 lbs. and feels great. Christian also says he began to choose friends that are doing positive things and not always getting into trouble.

Cole Hayes                                                       FF Alan McClafferty                                    

Successes. Cole’s mother states since the RESCUE program he has become more respectful towards his parents and has realized the importance of getting a good education. He is very thankful for his mentor Alan McClafferty for taking the time to teach him EMS skills, and tools & equipment. He truly enjoyed the program.

Osvaldo Gonzalez                         FF Dennis Garrett / Eng. Darren Rockett                   18-C

Successes: Osvaldo is a high energy kid. Since the RESCUE program he has developed a very good work ethic and is currently developing a plan for his future career. He is very pleased to have some positive male role models in his life. We will continue to mentor and encourage him.

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